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Women-Owned Businesses

Writer's picture: Bambina DiariesBambina Diaries

Earlier this week, we asked our followers to tell us which women-owned businesses inspired them, to kick off Women's History Month. We received such an amazing response, that we wanted to make sure to share each of them here below with you. If you have time, make sure to check them out, follow on social media, and consider shopping small in the near future.

These amazing women are doing some incredible things!

Danielle Margherite: Photographer

IG: @dmargherite

Miami Writes Co: Miami based calligraphy + designs

IG: @miamiwritesco

Smash Box Miami: Custom Smash Boxes for Every Occasion

IG: @smash_box_miami

Shop Blop: Personalized oil cloth organizational bags

IG: @shop_blop

With Love by Ana: Unique handcrafted pieces

IG: @withlovebyana

Twelve Little: Everyday Bags For The Modern Family!

IG: @twelvelittle

Minis Design Studio: Custom illustrated gifts

IG: @minisdesignstudio

Eat Love & Sweets: Cakes & Sweets Artist, Cookie Designer

IG: @eatlovensweets

Growing the Pizarros: Handmade clay pieces

IG: @growingthepizarros

Mary and Pembry: Professional organization services

IG: @maryandpembry

DIY Speechie Mommy: Custom shop with masks and multi-sensory items

IG: @diyspeechiemommy

Speech with a Twist: Miami’s first language-based sensory play classes

IG: @speechwithatwist

Dr. Schell: Postpartum Care Specialist

IG: @drshellcares

Millennial Women: #1 podcast for Millennial Women

IG: @millenialwomen

The Helpful Enneagram: Certified Enneagram Coach

IG: @thehelpfulenneagram

Mattie James: Influencer and coach

IG: @themattiejames

My Little Owly: Beautifully curated apparel, accessories, toys & gifts for babies & kids in one place. IG @my_littleowly

Olive & Eve Co: Creative designer | IG @oliveandeveco

Thread Mama: Designing and creating works of art to make life’s moments beautiful!

IG @threadmama_story

Opal + Olive: Seasonal & staple signs + wallpaper for kids rooms

IG @opalplusolive

Pearl and Jane: Handmade garlands and party decor

IG @pearlandjane

Nora Madison Designs: Clothing designer

IG @noramadisondesigns

Polymer Peach: Lightweight clay earrings

IG @polymerpeach

Keats and Ruby: Sewing a little love, one stitch at a time! Specialize in handmade goods for babies and kids. IG @keatsandruby

Strong Mamas: Helping moms get in shape, eat better, & overcome body image battles, while centered on Jesus! IG @strong_mamas

Bello Family Farms: Small hydroponic farm.

IG: @bellofamilyfarm

GT Stitchery: Your shop for custom gifts

IG: @gtstichery

Love and Neutrals: Clothing boutique

IG: @loveandneutrals

The Birdie Bakery: Bakery with tie-dye treats

IG: @thebirdiebakery

Terramar Nursery: Offers a full range of outdoor garden plants, palms, and trees.

IG: @terramarnursery

Little Things: Shop baby goods and more for your little sunshine. Customized teethers and more for babies!

IG: @littlethingsbaby_bykali

Colores de Flores Co: Specializing in personalized items


The Real Food Mama: Healthy living made realistic!

IG: @therealfoodmama

Neat with Knight: In-home services, pro decluttering team.

IG: @neatwithknight

IG: @gossipon23rd

Gather and Be: Personalized services


The Fiesta Box: Curated party boxes to celebrate everything big or small.

Coco Bella Miami: Gift and home store.

IG: @cocobellamiami

Baked by Bustle: Bakery, fresh to order!

IG: @bakedbybustle

Children in Motion: Therapist-owned private practice in Miami offering speech and occupational therapy. IG: @childreninmotion_

Pam Cakes Miami: Bakery with a new batch of goodies weekly!

IG: @pamcakes_miami

Isa and Jay: Personalized Gifts

IG: @isa_and_jay

The Mod Stitcher: Maine-Made Embroidery Kits and other sparkly goodies for everyone.

IG: @themodstictcher

IG: @lexnelsonphoto

Little Wooden Box Company: Wooden gift boxes perfectly curated for any occasion with natural & safe products. IG: @littlewoodenboxcompany

House of Lilac: Flower company elevating everyday moments!

IG: @houseoflilac

Jen La Jud: Real Estate Agent

IG: @jenlajud

Yolis Bowtique: Personalized items.

IG: @yolisbowtique

Broken Mariposas Fly: Beautiful custom bracelets. To honor our daughter Andrea, a portion of our sales is used to gift care packages of comfort & healing to Angel Baby Moms

IG: @brokenmariposasfly

IG: @youngwildandfriedman

Luna Studio: Hairstylist

IG: @ luna_studio_

Oomi Organics: Organic herbal teas made by Moms, for Moms & their Little Ones with ingredients only from Mother Earth. IG: @oomi_organics

Sensationally OT: Sensory bins and Kits

IG: @sensationally.ot

Body By Mommy: Women's Life Coach

IG: @bodybymommy

Emme Jewelry: Emme is a jewelry brand that connects mamas all around the world to their full potential and the real joy of being themselves.

IG: @weareemme

Olive Seed: Handmade customizable chains

IG: @_oliveseed_

Shop Palmina: Palmina (formerly Gin & Jewels) is a carefully curated collection of high-quality jewelry and accessories, at an amazing price point

IG: @shop.palmina

Vital Tonics: Nano-emulsified CBD.

IG: @vitaltonics

Mom Culture: Redefining modern Mom Culture one tee at a time!

IG: @themomculture

Posh Petals Miami: Wedding Florist

IG: @poshpetalsmiami

Children's Therapy Choice: Passionate Pediatric Occupational Therapist

IG: @childrenstherapychoice

IG: @prettygirlcharm

Confident Motherhood: We help women feel confident in the motherhood journey through support, education, and products.

IG: @confidentmotherhood

Photos by Jenise: Photographer

IG: @atoddlerandatopknot

The Sparkle Studio Miami: Baby and children's clothing store

IG: @thesparklestudiomiami

Tabla Mia: Grazing Tables, Grazing Boards, Sweets, and more!

IG: @tablemia_

Photos by Lulu: Photography

IG: @photosbylulu

Table of Sweets Miami: Specializing in Decorated Cookies, Merengue (meringue) Cookies, Macarons & Cookie Cakes for all occasions!

IG: @tableofsweets_miami

Mac Beads: Designer for accessories

IG: @macbeads_

IG: @sweetsbymac_

Second Sight Services: Professional Psychic

IG: @second_sight_services

Elb Insurance: Insurance company

IG: @elb_insurance

She Sew Crafty Design: Handmade, homemade decor and accessories.

IG: @shesewcraftydesign

Little Cozy Co: Cozy tees for little ones

IG: @littlecozyco

댓글 1개

2021년 3월 06일

Love this list! There is nothing better then supporting one another! Thank you so much for putting this together. You girls are the best!! ❤️🙏🏻

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