This week we decided a change of scenery was much needed but we wanted to make sure we stayed safe, so we opted to see exotic animals from our car. Needless to say, we had a blast! We visit Pettit Creek Farms, located in Cartersville, GA. They offer a special COVID-19 package for $30, plus an add on for $10 if you wanted to feed the animals from your car. We opted for both and it was well worth it for us.

What we loved most about it was the fact that you could reserve a time slot online and once you arrive, you check-in, receive your bag of food and sightsee. Best of all you can go around as many times as you like. If you have a car with a sunroof and the weather is nice, it's a great opportunity to let the kids feed the animals and see them from that opening. If not, you can still definitely enjoy it.
We saw, camels, giraffes, reindeer, pigs, goats, rams, donkeys, birds, kangaroos and zebras, to name a few.

Below I included a direct link to their site at Pettit Creek Farms, along with a listing of a few other locations you can visit in Georgia or Florida.
Florida (some of these locations are closed right now)
J. N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island
Lion Country Safari, West Palm Beach
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Titusville
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, near Tallahassee
WILD Florida, in Tampa
Love the idea of the drive thru safari.....I think I will take the grandkids to the one in West Palm.
I am sure Sofia loved it and so did Stay Safe.