As many of you have seen on Instagram - we were in the process of moving and I have felt so much nostalgia. Thinking about leaving the home Javi and I moved to after we got married, the house we found out I was pregnant in, the house we brought Annemarie to from the hospital, it was our H O M E. Thoughts like - will another place ever feel this "right"?
Then there was the packing- UGH! Boxes, cleaning out what we didn't need anymore, saving all of Annemarie's things for the next future baby. Our case is especially stressful because our move in date was "to be determined", even though we needed to be out of the house within like a week in a half. But, like everyone continued to remind me, trust in God - he has a plan. So I continued being the crazy teacher at work that keeps asking for extra boxes (thank God for my amazing co-workers).
Moving with a babymakes things pretty interesting too. Javi and I had a pretty good system in place. I tend to like things a certain way so to avoid any added stress I did the organizing and packing, while my husband did the cooking and taking care of Annemarie. I am so grateful he understands my craziness, so for the last couple of nights after we would eat, he would take her upstairs put her to sleep and cuddle with her while I would pack about 5/6 boxes and then I go upstairs give her a kiss and put her in her crib. It worked like magic!
Now that we are all moved in I still have some bittersweet feelings. Getting used to a new home to make new memories. We are almost 100% moved in (it's only been a week). Already we have made some memories - celebrated my 29th birthday and seen Annemarie play for hours in her new play area. I can't wait to share pictures of how our new home ends up looking after we organize and put everything up.

Now fast fast-forward to 2020, we are moving to a new city, Orlando. Crazy how life has changed so much since our last move. We almost bought a house in Miami, but God had another plan for us. We've been living at my parents house for several months now waiting for our new house to be built. With less than two weeks until the big move I have already started packing the little we have at my parents, good thing is that mostly everything is in storage and certain items we have ordered we sent to my in-laws who live in Orlando.
Ten Tips:
Label everything and where is goes. That way when you're unpacking no one is wondering where things are supposed to go.
I have packed little weekender bags with our essentials that way I don't have to stress about the first night at the house. Especially since our closing is at 2pm and the girls are normally asleep by 8pm.
Have a plan of attack! For us, we are building the girls beads first because we want them to have a place to sleep while we work into the late hours of the night unpacking.
Clean your towels, bedsheets and anything else you know you'll need to settle in in advance and place them in a clear box with some dryer sheets to help them stay fresh.
Delegate. I know it sounds bossy but if everyone is giving their opinions on how and when to do things, nothing will get done. If you have helpers or family/friends helping make sure everyone knows what they're doing and the "plan of attack".
We tend to put the most important items we know we need in the front of the moving truck, that way we now exactly where they're at.
Keep check lists to stay organized for things you need to buy, or appointments you have in place like the internet company coming to install, etc.
Keep a small clear box with all important documents like birth certificates, wedding certificates etc. (this would be a box I keep in the front of the truck)
Have a bottle of champagne or your favorite drink. You just moved in to a new place, time to celebrate!
Lastly, everyone that knows me knows I love pictures. Make sure in all of the craziness to snap a picture of you signing those lovely papers at closing and a picture of your first night in your new house - even if you only have a mattress on the floor. Those are the special moments you'll cherish forever.