It has always been tradition in our family that the day after Thanksgiving we go and select our Christmas tree. It has been extra special this year being that it is Annemarie's first Christmas. As my husband walked around with her and she touched the tree branches and giggled at the touch, I took a deep breath and took in another "first". It seems as though lately she has been having many of those. Her first tooth came out, her first Thanksgiving, her first time sitting all by herself etc.
That night as I rocked her to sleep, I started thinking about how special all those "firsts" are and how during the holidays one can get so caught up in the materialistic "must haves". Between the toys and the outfits and all that really and truly doesn't matter, you can totally get lost. I remember just having had Annemarie and EVERYONE gave me the same advice, "enjoy her because they grow up so fast".
Although I know it is too early to have a New Year's resolution, I promised myself that night to take in all the big, small and in between moments with Annemarie and my family. To not get caught up in the meaningless things during the holidays. I challenge you mamas to do the same with your bambinas and make sure to capture those true lovable candid moments. Start early, because remember they won't be little forever.
