As you've seen from my latest posts with Annemarie, I'm really starting to make sure Annemarie gets excited about being a big sister. I don't know why but in Miami, I guess in the hispanic culture, so many people tend to make the comment that I should prepare myself because the older ones always get jealous. I've always disliked this comment/statement because it's not fact (don't we get so many of those during our pregnancy ugh!). I've always felt it depends on so many factors and if you have a calm, happy environment where your little one feels part of the process I really believe everything will be fine (not to say everyone won't have their moments). Nonetheless, I was super excited when Lauren from LP Original brought me the idea of Annemarie drawing/coloring something that she could then put on a swaddle blanket and bow for Avery. How special would Annemarie feel seeing something she did on something Avery was wearing! Brainstorming back and and forth I decided to draw a little heart and have Annemarie color it using her new crayons from Color Crayations. She was so excited, it really was cute. Once I had her award winning painting, I sent it to Lauren and she worked her magic. I can't express how pleasant the process was, it was easy, she gave me options and she even came up with the idea of making Annemarie a matching Big Sister Shirt.
We received the items this week and I couldn't be happier! The material is so soft and Annemarie's drawing looks adorable. I took a little video of Annemarie and I opening up the package and her reaction was so innocent and priceless - like WOW I colored that! I really forget sometimes that she's only 2.5 years old. There's been so much change lately and she's done so well to adapt. I have no doubt that the soon to be big sister is going to be amazing in her new role.
A huge thank you to Lauren throughout this process. If you don't already, make sure to follow her beautiful store at LP Original.
